If you wish to place ads in any pages of
Skyzone,please kindly send your request to us [email protected] & we will get back to you within 3-5 working
days. They will be place at the most visible areas (Top of the page, in pop ups or at the sides). * we do not provide buttons or banners design* Below are the terms and conditions, all cost are
stated in Singapore Dollars.
For Text Links - Skyzone 1998 to 2001 |
Package 1
On main page - S$3.90 for 2 mths additional S$0.55 for each extra page
Package 2
On any 2 pages except main page - S$2.90 for 2 mths and additional S$0.55 for each extra page
*The text will be of font size 10 for arial or 12 for Times New Roman, max. of 3 lines*
For 88 x 31 pixels microbuttons - Skyzone 1998 to 2001 |
Package 1
On main page - S$9.90 for 2 mths additional S$0.99 for each extra page
Package 2
On any 2 pages except main page - S$5.90 for 2 mths and additional S$0.99 for each extra page
For 120 x 60 pixels buttons - Skyzone 1998 to 2001 |
On main page - S$15.90 for 2 mths and additional S$1.99 for each extra page
Package 2
On any 2 pages except main page - S$8.90 for 2 mths and additional S$1.99 for each extra page
For 468 x 60 pixels banners - Skyzone 1998 to 2001 |

Package 1
On main page - S$29.90 for 2 mths and additional S$2.99 for each extra page
Package 2
On any 2 pages except main page - S$15.90 for 2 mths and additional S$2.99 for each extra page