As mentioned before, the long established "Singapore
Sky Friends Club"has gone online.
This Club is set up to provide a space for people of the same interest to interact with each other and participate
in discussions of related topics. Although this is a
private club, we will still try our best
to post the latest happenings of the club in this section. However, this section is still under heavy construction
as time is needed to get everything running smoothly.
Organization Chart - Skyzone 1998 to 2001 |
Note to members - Skyzone 1998 to 2001 |
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Urls: |
http://skyzone.9ug.com - Best view provided
being view at 800 x 600 using >IE5
http://skyzone.cjb.net - Easy to remember url with minimum distortions
http://skyzone.org - A free domain with a Huge control panel at the bottom

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