Biography - Skyzone 1998 to 2001 |
Name: Wu Si Kai
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 61kg
Horoscope: Leo (A Leo that contains certain characteristics of a cancer)
Date of Birth: 23 July 1966
Place of Birth: Hong Kong
Blood Group: B
Favorite Color: Pastel colors
Dialect Group: Taishan, Guangdong Province
Academic Qualifications: Diploma
Favorite Animal: Horse
Favorite Car: Sports Car
Favorite activity: Purchase of the latest recording equipment to add to his collection
Favorite Food: Dried Mangos, 'Ma la' Steamboat, HK-style soup
Favorite sports: Swimming, Cycling Favorite male artiste: Sting
Favorite female artiste: Jiang Hui
Most embarassing moments: Wrong usage of Chinese sayings |
Most afraid of: Tongue tight
When angry, he will: Keep mum.
Types of movies preferred : Action/Thriller
Type of music preferred: Jazz
Favorite song: Love on my life
Favorite girl: Someone who is older than me and possesses inner beauty (no one but my beloved wife)
Like guys who are: Happy-go-lucky, humorous (not forgetting my son)
Proud of: Getting frequent compliments that he is an excellent music composer
Hope to: Hold a mega concert
Self expectations: To continuously seek improvement, be it on or behind the stage
Translation By Lena
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