If you have a website &
wish to link to us, please kindly do so by using the banners below. It would be appreciated if you could inform
us upon doing so. Thank you!


Below are some Links to other Sky Wu's Sites.
If you have come across any other related sites that are not stated here or any broken links in this site, please
kindly inform us at [email protected] Thank you.
The Official Site of Sky by Sony Music (Taiwan) |
Skyzone's Very Own & First WAP Site on Sky |
Sky Wu's information, music clips |
The only Japanese Site on Sky |
An Online Fan Club set up by EMI: maintained by Jingling |
A tribute to the very talented Sky Wu |
By a Taiwan Fan |
A neat site with many resources |
Nice design and updates regulary |
By a HK fan, has all of Sky lyrics |
Recently, We had just set up a webring known
as the "Sky Wu Connection Ring". The objective of this ring is to gather all of the wemasters who own
a Sky Wu's site or any other music related sites. If you think your site fits the bill, hesitate no more, join
Us !
P.S: If you are the webmaster of the above
mentioned sites that are without logos, please kindly inform us if you wish to include them here. (We went through
all your sites but could'nt find any logos or banners) Thank you! |